Welcome To The Professional Pack

Increasing And Stabilizing Your Rental Income

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Associate Team Members

Associate Team Members are part of the back bone of any business. This photo was taken during the rehabbing of a property that was part of our inventory. Learning how to setup a property for new tenants that are received by Non-Profits is an essential part of increasing your R.O.I.

Award Winning

Honored by Memphis Areal Legal Services, and City of Memphis Homeless Consortium. Awards including, The Golden Key Award and Land Lord Of The Year 2019 with several certificates of achievements for his efforts with housing the homeless and disabled vets. Robert is currently consulting others on improving revenue and cash flow streams through the use of Shared Independent Living with the help of Non-Profit Organizations, with a specific focus on special needs. With specially trained team members he is able to locate, rehab and forge relationships with non-profit organizations to turn deeply discounted properties into cash flowing machines for potential investors

Golden Key Award

Golden Key award for shared housing was one of the first awards received in the shared housing division

Landlord Of The Year

Being nominated for Landlord of the year was a great honor. Being able to be the best that I can be when it comes to housing the homeless.

Who's Who Publication

The Who's Who publication is a comprehensive guide to identifying key individuals in various fields. The publication includes biographical information on famous people, as well as listings of important organizations and contact information. It is an essential resource for researchers, journalists, and anyone else who needs to quickly identify key figures in their field.

7 Day Money Back Guarantee

If you are not completely satisfied with this program, just send me an email canceling within 7 days and we will refund every penny back to you with no questions asked...

Common Room Area

One of the most important aspects of renting out property is creating shared living areas. This can include a common room area, where tenants can relax and socialize, or a kitchen area, where everyone can come together to cook meals. By creating these spaces, you help tenants feel more at home, and make your property more desirable overall. Additionally, shared living areas are a great way to save money on furniture and decor. By using pieces that multiple tenants can share, you can reduce your overall costs. So, if you’re looking to rent out property, be sure to create shared living areas! They’ll make your property more attractive to potential tenants, and help you save